Health And Wellness

‍Glaucoma - All You Need To Know | Pharmarun | Online Pharmacy in Nigeria

Have you ever heard of the term "silent thief of sight"? This is a term often used to describe glaucoma, a group of eye diseases that can damage your vision if left untreated. But what exactly is glaucoma, and how does it affect your eyes?


Healthy tips to avoid Heart Attack.

Teniola • AUGUST 11, 2021

It breaks my heart when I hear someone just slumped and died. Most times I wonder if anything could have been done. Maybe frequent health checks could have given this person just an extra day.

It is no news that heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, but if I was to ask when you last checked your blood pressure, or even if you have a blood pressure monitor at home, I assume you would say no!

Would you take a detour or head in that direction if I told you there was a robbery on the way home? I also assume the answer is no, so why are we playing with our hearts?

There are four measurements related to risk for heart attacks and stroke:

  1. Blood pressure
  2. Blood sugar
  3. Body mass index
  4. Cholesterol levels
Healthy tips to avoid heart attack.

My only request, no matter your age, is for you to know your numbers. The best part is, you can track these numbers yourself at home with devices such as a blood pressure monitor and glucometer.

Also, these devices make excellent gifts; not every time food trays and dates.

Order now and save a life!

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